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Whilst Pete leaned over her and slipped two finger into her ass and began fingering her ass. They stayed this way for a few minutes. “Let’s go back to the bedroom now” said Monica.Holding his cock she lead him back to the bed and knelt on the bed doggy style “Fuck my ass again, fill it with your spunk.” Pete had gone to the bottom draw and pulled out a dildo and handed it to her and without thinking she slipped it into her dripping pussy and fucked herself mercilessly under his gaze. Pete. Pritam looked at his beloved wife, one last time, before knocking at the door. He had an apologetic face, Arpita realised the turmoil within him. She rose on her toes to kiss on his cheeks. Pritam took her hands in his, and she squeezed them and nodded her head to approve what he was about to do.The three were in middle of some discussion when they heard the knock at the door. Unmesh answered the door and let them inside. Pritam felt embarrassed in presence of his seniors while Arpita felt so. There it is I press it and it only vibrates for a second. Batteries maybe. So I get up and slowly open the door to see if coogi is there. Nope I run out of my room and down the steps to the office to see if there are batteries in there.I searched for batteries and found them in the laundry room. Now I head back upstairs to enjoy my new found toy. I enter my room and slam the door. I run over to my bed so excited I can barely stand. I lay down on the bed and begin fucking myself with the. I followed Lori down the hall appreciating every step she took before she opened the door to the room. The first thing I noticed as we walked in was Lori’s bag set on the floor near the bed. It looked like she had packed for a weekend. I grabbed her around her waist before she made it to the bed, turned her towards me and kissed her. “You know I have to be at work tomorrow morning right?” I said with a slightly serious tone. The child like smile ran away from her face as she whimpered. “You’re.
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