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’ The slap took him by surprise. ‘You are a pig,’ Abigail hissed. She gasped when he gripped her arms and hauled her against his chest. He’d never been slapped in all his life, and now he was pissed…and, weirdly enough, suddenly turned on by the little minx. She stared up at him, her sweet mouth gaping like a fish out of water, big eyes dropping down to his mouth. It was then he realized he was baring his teeth at her like a rabid dog. He needed to let her go…just open his fingers from around. Jack lifted his big stick even higher then swung it with all his might at the head of the guy with the knife.The stick should have connected with the boy’s head but it missed. The boy with the knife spun around when he heard something behind him. That caused his head to shift positions and mess up Jack’s mental calculations. The stick sailed by the boy’s head then slammed down into the shoulder of the other guy who screamed out in agony at the blow. The one with the knife lunged at Jack but. Up on the walls were wooden plaques with the names of past presidents and hunt-masters and paintings depicting various hunting scenes. It all looked very expensive and I said as much to Matty “Yeah it was” he agreed “but the hunt were stumping up the money so who was I to complain” We returned to the main house where Sammy had a pot of coffee on the go. I tried to give Matty the money we owed for the hire of the horses and kit but he refused to take it, so Lisa asked if they’d like to meet for. She saw that the gate was closed, and the two males that had been patrolling earlier were gone. She shrugged, and started back to the office. About twenty yards later, something really heavy hit her in the back, and she toppled forward onto all fours. She turned her head to see a huge wolf ready to mount her, and another one right behind him. The wolf in front got up on two paws, and then grabbed her around the waist to support itself. Trish could feel the weight of it as it pushed itself into.
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