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The author does not encourage sex with plants/mutants/whatever. Just fuck people who are 18 or up and are willing. The author is saddened that he has to include that last sentence as it should be common sense.Welcome to Alleria! In this world a human`s life force is connected to their sexual fluids. Normal humans are unable to harvest this energy, but many plants and animals have mutated to be able to. They survive mostly by capturing and feasting off the sexual fluids of humans. Since a. "You and me and my buddy are gonna have some fun." Before Candy could answer, Tyler dragged her out of the car by her hair. She whimpered, crashing into the dirt of the alley in which the car was parked."So, this is where Candy Lee comes to put her clothes back on after the show," Tyler said. "Nice and private."Seth crawled out of the car and looked around. The car was parked in an alleyway behind a factory or warehouse of some kind. The only light came from the moon and stars, a bluish-silver. “But doesn’t it hurt? I mean, look at the end, the big knobby bit. That’s enormous. And it goes in first.” I shook my head.“It’s a beauty, alright.” She smiled at me, propping up on an elbow. “I couldn’t begin to explain how it feels. Not when it first breaks through or when it’s pumping away deep inside. You’d have to experience it to know. That right, Victor?”“You'd know about that, sweetheart,” he said. “But not every woman can take a big cock like this. Some get frightened just looking at. 'Well, maybe I'll try that shot first, if it looks good, I'd love to try more but first I really just want to try that shot' Sophie pointed at the image on the large screen, which I had left up for her to see, so that she could easily recreate it.'You're the boss sis. Ok, well then, you can drop your robe anytime you like and lie back on the beanbag.''Ok.'Sophie untied the robe's belt from around her waist. It flopped to the sides as she dropped it, held in place by belt loops. Her robe fell.
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